
Friday, May 9, 2014

big changes

Very few people grow up and become the person they imagined as a child. 
I certainly didn't become a veterinarian and according to MASH - I should be living in a mansion with 3 kids by now. But, in the ways that really count I am being the me I always wanted to be. 

I have the sweetest husband and the most affectionate daughter. I have a nice house and a funny dog and most of the time I am laughing and just enjoying everything I am so lucky to have. I have a supportive family and coworkers that are my very best friends. Everything is so good right now. But even if everything you have is great, you always have to keep your head up and your eyes open to the future. 

A good friend of mine started working for a really great company almost a year ago. She has loved her job and gets to travel to some of my favorite cities around the world for work and the company is entirely future-oriented with a bunch of young, smart and hard-working employees. A few weeks ago she told me that they were hiring. No matter how much I loved my job (and I did) I had to go check it out. And the job was perfect for me, I wanted it so much more than I thought I would and I took the offer.

I pick on my sister for hating change. But change really is hard. When you know you have something good it's hard to go for something better, there is just so much fear about the unknown. I wrote letters to my coworkers to tell them how I felt about them and I cried because I realized how much I loved them. My boss was kind enough to leave the door open for me to return but I knew I had to look at the future without keeping a foot in the past. 
Today I am rounding out the end of my second week on my new job and so far, I love it. I somehow managed to get a job doing my favorite parts of my old job but for a global company with excuses to speak to and work with people in South America, Canada, and (my personal favorite) England daily. I am always nervous to mix work with blogging but I am so happy with my decision and I wanted to share that. 

Now.. back to blogging about my Emmy and her rapid changing into little kidness!
 I am completely obsessed with her cute personality lately. She is talking so much more and her favorite phrases are:

"hold you" (when she wants us to hold her) 
"hug you" (the tightest, longest hugs ever)
 "i yuv you, momma" (at random times)
"tank you, momma" (if I do ANYTHING for her - even a hug)
"okaaayyyyy" (in agreement to us)
"No Ruru! share!" (when she offers him some food and he takes all of it)
"my turn" (mostly to Rufus when playing fetch)
"daddys funny" (when Joe makes voices)
"all betta" (when any of her problems are fixed)

She only wants to wear princess dresses to bed and her princess heels all day. Actually, it's a fight to get her to wear anything else at all. She is obsessed with Frozen and loves to perform the songs and knows most of the words and has little motions and dance moves for us! I think I just smile all the time around her, she rarely gets bad and even when she does and we scold her, she just smiles and says, "Okayyyyyy" and stops. How can you stay mad at that?

We never do. Here's to another great weekend!
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