Wednesday, August 22, 2012

6.376 months old to be exact...

I love Emmy more and more everyday. 

I didn't think that was possible but it's true. As her personality comes out, I see so much more of her. She is still so sweet and happy. She has moved into a new room at the daycare, Ms. Francis's room and is doing great with the new play space. She isn't crawling yet but enjoys tummy time while the other babies that can crawl smack her feet and bottom to encourage her development. I think that's healthy so I don't mind. Emmy doesn't mind either, not much bothers this kid (this is a Joe characteristic, not mine). 

Her favorites:
1. The jumparoo (BY FAR) this is her favorite thing to do! We call her (inappropriately) the "crack kid" when she jumps and slings herself around laughing hysterically. It makes me so happy to see her like that. 
2. Rufus & Winston. She discovered them a few weeks ago and laughs out loud when they zoom by. Once her eyes catch them in the room, she lunges her whole body toward them, fearless of the ground beneath her. She got a hold of Rufus's hair one time and made him cry but he still licked her once we unclenched her hands. 
3. Hair/people's faces. Emmy just started really looking at people and feels the need to pinch and pull at their noses, eyes, hair, etc to get to know them better. It's painful but I know this is her way of saying "hello". 
4. Her milk. She can hold her bottle on her own every time now. She knows when to expect it and gets very impatient while we are preparing it. She actually eats a little less than most babies and is still 95%… my little chunk.
5. Talking. She is carrying on full conversations although we don't understand it. She has begun saying "daddy" although not in any particular context (unless I think she is saying "daddy, give me a bath tonight" or "daddy, I want you to change my dirty diaper this time". She started referring to me as "cough, cough" because I have bronchitis and she must think that's my name now. She literally fake coughs then looks at me expectantly. I oblige because that's a respectable assumption.

1. Real food. All of it. She has taken to not squinting so much at bananas and carrots but pears, apples, butternut squash, avocado, peaches, and medleys all get the appalled look after the first bite. I've decided to let the daycare work this out and what do you know… Ms. Francis said she likes it warm with *a little* rice cereal (not too much, don't add any water). God, thank you for daycare. 
2. When Joe and I exit a room. This is a strange new sensation that I have to admit I kind-a like. She likes us now, I mean, really misses us even. When I pick her up at daycare she lights up, big smiles, arms waiving and I usually scoop her up first thing. Today I turned my back to her for just a moment to get her bag and she started balling. I felt so important and loved! Of course, I picked her up immediately laughing a little. She does it at home now if we leave her in her jumparoo and she gets turned around and can't see us. Other times she goes on playing and talking like she doesn't know anyone else is there. 
3. Her teethies. Yeah, at her 4-month check up the doc said they might come in early. Joe and i made bets they would appear early July, then on our birthdays mid-August. STILL NO TEETH. I dislike them too. 

I'm done betting on her progress. Except, I'm betting she'll be crawling in 2 weeks. I feel good about that one with the competition at daycare and her pets always sitting just out of reach. She's not gonna stand that long.

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