Wednesday, March 13, 2013

spring, please hurry

Only a few days ago I went into panic mode and cleaned the whole house. I disinfected everything, swept, vacuumed, mopped - our house looked so clean. It's almost spring and no germs were going to get us now! It was warm, the sun was shining and then winter came back like a bitch. It always sneaks up on me for some reason. I guess I just don't have the attention span for the weather section of the news. 

I just woke up in a hot sweat, my throat parched and all snotty because my husband felt a chill and turned the heat up to 100. I had already put up the humidifiers and at 3am I was sneaking in and out of Emmy's room like a ninja to get her humidifier filled and on. I still can't breathe, but I'm determined to fight it off with water. Sometimes I love the unpredictable nature of weather but I'm really not a fan of highs in the 70s and overnight lows in the 30s. Is it like this everywhere? I think Alabama is just cruel sometimes.  

Winter is usually my favorite time of year but this one has been brutal. Emmy's pediatrician said that he hoped Emmy could make it to the summer without another ear infection or else he would recommend getting tubes. I don't want that for her although I am not really against it either. I am just so over her being sick all the time and carrying everything from the daycare home. 

We are also planning two vacations in the next 4 months and I am so excited about little adventures and a change in scenery. We are going to the beach in April with my side of the family. I have literally purchased a whole summer wardrobe with lots of bright colors and smocking for Emmy to wear and not a single thing for myself. She just looks so cute in everything! 

Check out this cutie: (SEERSUCKER AND RUFFLES. I die.)

In June or July we are going out to California (LA) to visit Joe's sister. She's an actress/model/dancer (jealous!? I am!) and has a free place to stay. I'm really excited about attempting the plane, layover and taxi with a toddler. No sarcasm here, I'm ridiculously optimistic about this stuff. Plus, Emmy loves her Aunt Ash (maybe because they look so much alike) and they never get to see each other so this will be good quality time for them. 

I'm also just excited that we can afford to do it. Joe and I NEED a vacation. Taking off work for colds, flus and stomach bugs are not relaxing. We haven't had a trip together since we returned from our honeymoon in May 2011 so this is definitely past due. Now, all we have to do is get healthy, make some money and save everything so we can have an awesome spring and summer. Only 8 days left of winter! 

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