Tuesday, February 5, 2013

little beyonce

When Emmy was around 4 or 5 months old she started "dancing". I put dancing in quotations because it was really just rocking back and forth but she only did it when music was playing. The ladies at the daycare said she only danced for Beyonce, specifically "crazy in love" so they played it for her and nicknamed her Beyonce. 

She started dancing like.. all the time. It got to the point that she was doing it without music and I asked her pediatrician if that was normal or if we should be concerned. He smiled and said it was completely normal, just a kid's way of expending energy. Good. So now I'm working on teaching her how to shake her booty too. 

My mom babysat Emmy so Joe and I could watch the SuperBowl with some friends and at half time I got so excited I asked mom to videotape Emmy so I could see if she was dancing.

Of course she was! 

My sweet girl, she loves her Beyonce.

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